Seek the best
* The church cannot be a safe space.
* Live and let live: Ishmael
* “Don’t believe her defenders. Amy Schumer’s jokes are racist.”
* The great questions of our time
o Job search update, 2015-02-02
* “We desperately need a war on Christmas lies.”
* The emperor’s new clothes: False prophecy in the news
* Guides to Straight Thinking
What is Cory Booker so afraid of?
* Fox News host complains he can’t make racist comments on the air
o Playlist questions
o Updating the Playlist
* Danny keeps breaking up his phones
* Becoming William Tell
* Are pretty women dumb?
* Obama and race: why Eric Holder’s words stirred such anger
* Conspiracy theorists: America’s lost sheep?
* I’m so jealous!
* Free speech issues, etc.
* “Don’t blame college kids for intolerance. Blame us.”