Seek the best
* Who’s dying in Baltimore
* Could a Low Heart Rate Make You More Likely to Commit Crime?
* “Black lives matter” must be an inside job
* The murder of Terron Singleton
* In West Baltimore, open carry is now.
* A solution for homelessness?
* The riots in Baltimore
* The mayor’s conference on black-on-black crime …
* Psychopaths’ Brains Don’t Grasp Punishment
* “Son”
* My white friends are upset about Eric Garner
* Obama and race: why Eric Holder’s words stirred such anger
* Two Men Use Girl As Human Shield — Until Her Father Guns Them Down
* This guy is a career criminal, and other news
* Free speech issues, etc.
* Carter Scott, Karma and Chaos
* The human being’s infinite capacity for evil
* What the little birds told me
* The Kimberly Leto murder; and other news
* (2) Obstacles to my prosperity