Seek the best
* Boy murdered over birthday cake
* The murder of Terron Singleton
* I anticipate more riots.
o The church in the Old Testament?
* This teen won’t go to prison, even after he hacked 50,700 computers
* Reconsidering “Don’t come uninvited.”
* WaPo: Wrong-headed on gun control
* Choosing what to want isn’t a no-brainer, either.
* Racism study has the wrong people smiling.
* “Don’t believe her defenders. Amy Schumer’s jokes are racist.”
* Choosing to feel good is not a no-brainer
* The real reason progressives hate religion
* About the laying on of hands
* Balto. police commissioner fired
* A landmark study
* This is how you become a white supremacist
x Some prayer exercises
* A martial arts movie I liked
* In West Baltimore, open carry is now.
* I don’t believe in belief. Here’s why.