Bookmarks: The walruses’ plight • Panhandler drives a Fiat • Forged DEA Facebook page • Exceptional horoscopes update 2014-10-20 • Battered women, murdered childen
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I want to hear from the global warming “truthers” on this one.
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I never heard of panhandling permits before.
They may be a good idea.
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I’m alarmed that it’s referred to as a “practice.”
This DEA agent purloined a ton of this woman’s personal information, including lingerie photos, and created a fake Facebook page in her name hoping to lure drug traffickers.
[U.S. Attorney Richard S.] Hartunian defended the agent’s impersonation of Arquiett. He said that while Arquiett did not give express permission for the use of photographs contained on her phone for an undercover Facebook page, she “implicitly consented by granting access to the information stored in her cellphone and by consenting to the use of that information to aid in . . . ongoing criminal investigations.”
That strikes me as patently absurd.
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Incident at McDonald’s
Omarr’s Cancer for Sunday 2014-10-05:
CANCER (June 21-July 22): In the real world, there aren’t always happy endings. An injustice may have you miffed, but life isn’t Hollywood where you can expect all wrongs to be righted in 90 minutes. Focus on moving forward this week rather than dwelling on things you can’t change.
The Sunday horoscope is normally an anticipation of the entire week ahead. This one played out on Tuesday. See Does McDonald’s discriminate against the homeless?
None of the dates involved — April 3, 2014, September 12, 2014 or October 7, 2014 — is a “monthly.”
The accuracy of a given astrologer for a given student depends on a harmony between the value systems of the two people involved. It is notable that the counsel given here is directly in line with the way I chose to respond.
Previous update: The check in the mail; turning point; and Dwayne Taylor Next update: Love and money
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“BuzzFeed News identified 28 mothers sentenced to at least 10 years in prison for failing to prevent their partners from harming their children. In every one of these cases, there was evidence the mother herself had been battered by the man.”
In short, note the lack of any reference to marriage.
(Reblogged 2020-03-12.)