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About Edgar Cayce’s dream, part 2


Continued from yesterday’s post, Part 1.

Justice and feedback

Ever since grade school, I’ve been fervently interested in prison reform.  I had compassion for these “bad people.”  I would want the prison experience to give a “bad” person every reason, every chance, every motivation to mend one’s ways.  But this is definitely not happening in our prisons now.

Likewise as to reincarnation, I have wanted the believe that an all-loving, all-powerful God would cause “bad” people, who have been accustomed to choosing, expressing and acting on negative emotions, to be reborn into circumstances that will given them every reason to mend one’s ways.  But this is not what happens, either.

Whatever feelings one chooses to feel (sic), express and act on, produce circumstances (results) that, being expressions of those feelings, are prone to justify or validate those feelings — to give the impression that those feelings were appropriate or correct.  So, those circumstances are prone to evoke again the exact same feelings as produced them.

A soul who customarily chooses to feel resentment and ill-temperedness, will incarnate into circumstances expressive of resentment and ill-temperedness — which circumstances are prone to re-evoke the exact same feelings as brought one there.  The same is true likewise of a soul who customarily chooses to feel goodwill and joy.

Related: Karma basics

One child’s story epitomizes the potential cycle of negativity.

The Jamarion Lawhorn story

Jamarion Lawhorn was born into a living hell.

His mother was a mentally ill, active addict.  Years before the events to be told, she forfeited parental rights as to two toddlers; the two-year-old had multiple unexplained fractures and was covered with cigarette burns.

The man present in the home throughout Jamarion’s time was a mentally ill, active addict also.

Given what he went through in that home, at age 12, Jamarion decided it was time to leave this world completely.  But he was not going to go alone.

Intending suicide, he swallowed a handful of “pink pills” he found in the home.  Then he took a long knife from the kitchen, went to the playground, and fatally stabbed a boy he’d never met before.

And waited for the police.

Medical staff examining him on intake at the detention center, found him covered with bruises from head to toe.  He explained that the man in the home called him “stupid” and gave him a whuppin’ therefore every day.

Upon this information, authorities removed the remaining children from the home.

Whatever karma caused Jamarion to be born into that lot, clearly those circumstances only called forth from within him the same destructive and self-destructive tendencies as brought him there to start with.

The boy he killed is credibly portrayed as little short of angelic.  It is entirely possible that he came into this life with the specific mission of being Jamarion’s victim; for reason that he was predisposed to forgive completely and at once, and thus carry no lasting wounds or scars into the next life.  On the one hand, he will never have any impulse to retaliate.  On the other hand, the murder served to remove Jamarion to a place where that woman and that man cannot hurt him any more; where his karma may be more manageable.

In recent years, when children commit horrendous crimes, the defense often contends that they are physiologically incapable of adult responsibility.  It is evident that karma disagrees:  adult karma is often visited upon children, and children are perfectly capable of acts that have momentous consequences for the rest of this life and into lives to come.

Jamarion’s story is not by an means unique.  State interventions are powerless against karma:  many children are removed from biological parents by whom they have been horrifically abused, only to suffer horrific abuse at the hands of foster or adoptive parents — from which some escape into the arms of traffickers.

Retributive karma always appears as new evil.

This does not mean we should not have compassion on the victims; nor does it exonerate the perpetrators.  On the contrary, I have great compassion for Jamarion, and wish him only the best.  The best we can do for such children, however, is to be the best parents we can be ourselves, to any children in our care — and to ourselves.  Seek to correct, not punish.  Bring forth the awareness of oneself as a beloved child of God.  Own that awareness for oneself.

We are all special needs children.

Seek and ye shall find

It would seem to be a no-brainer, that everyone wants to ascend into the realms of harmony and light, so that the question becomes how to go there.

In point of fact, however, many people don’t want to go there, which is why the world is as it is.

George Ritchie and Robert Monroe both testify that, on the astral plane, to want to go anywhere is to go there.  Whatever one wants, in this regard, happens.  The desire and the act — or the event — are one and the same.

In that case, there is no need for the imposing discussion I first supposed, about centeredness, balance, wisdom, emotional intelligence and autonomy.  The answer is instead very simple.At bottom, the way to go there is towant to.

——————————————————————————————————————– Related:  For us Related:  A living hell


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