… may be one of the toughest of all nuts to crack.
Well, the Kansas City Star has a wonderful paywall.
A one-person, one-bedroom apartment for $1200 is exactly in the ballpark of what I’m supposedly headed for right now. In Baltimore, that means a very nice unit. However, in my case, it WILL be SUBSIDIZED. As a lover of free markets, I really want this to be affordable to a normal person without subsidy.
For it to be available to me without subsidy, my income would have to be three times what it is now.
In 2006, I had to move under duress, and looked and looked for a new place. Did the want ads and phone calls thing. This one landlord, when I asked him if he had anything for $300/month, which is what I could afford at the time (It’s the exact same amount I can afford NOW.) — gave me a whole raft of shit about why he will not deal with people in that price range. They’re all drunks and junkies, he said, and they never pay the rent, and they always trash the property. Made me feel real good (NOT) about him and about being who I am.
#FightFor15 won’t make any housing more affordable; instead, it’ll just drive up rents.