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“Even the hairs of your head are all numbered.” “Lord, Lord” “Many are called, but few are chosen.” “Weeping and gnashing of teeth.” “Why did you fear?” and “Why did you doubt?” “You come, too.” “You of little faith” “Your faith has made you well.” A conversation with a co-worker A laser A prophet without honor A tree and its fruit A typical morning A year without homicides About Edgar Cayce About Edgar Cayce’s dream About organized religion About prayer About rewards About this book An ethic of affects as acts An examination of the Sermon on the Mount Application As to reincarnation Awakening the will Becoming William Tell Between people (The inevitability of turmoil) Bound on earth Choose happiness Choosing vs. wanting Concerning almsgiving Concerning divorce Concerning fasting Concerning oaths Conclusion (Mooring oneself in What Is) Conclusion (Sermon on the Mount) Considerations Contemplation and “Deep Silence” Current intrapersonal conflicts Dealing with physical pain Ears to hear Edgar Cayce’s dream Establishing world peace Expiation of karma (About organized religion) Faith as a mustard seed (Other Jesus sayings) Faith as unobstructed desire Feelings Focality: The treasure and the pearl Forgiveness (About organized religion) Greatness Heart and soul Heaven and hell: Dr. George Ritchie’s near-death experience Here and now (Jesus’ words about “the Kingdom”) Here, Now, Can (Application) Housing search How it works (Serotonin and the individual) How it works (Life with OCD) Huey Lewis In nature (The inevitability of turmoil) In society (The inevitability of turmoil) In their own time Introduction (The Sermon on the Mount) Jesus is not coming soon — or ever Jesus’ words about “the Kingdom” Justice and feedback Karma as results (About organized religion) Keep the feeling, change the thought Keep the thought, change the feeling Life with DSPS Life with OCD Look on the bright side Loss of depth perception Love for enemies Meditation Mooring oneself in What Is My past Offenses must come One day at a time Onset Other Other Jesus sayings Overall strategy Pearls before swine Pluck out your eye Present and future Proximity Realms and vibes Resist not evil Sacrifice: The pearl of great price (Heart and soul) Sales pitch Seek and ye shall find (About Edgar Cayce’s dream) Seek and you will find (Sermon on the Mount) Seek first (Sermon on the Mount) Seek peace Sell your goods, give to the poor (Other Jesus sayings) Serotonin and society Serotonin and the individual Serving two masters Sole source Soul farts SSRIs completely changed my life. Strategies Sublimate Tactics Take things in stride The “single” eye The Beatitudes The church garden The common belief The feedback or snowball effect The fruits of the spirit The Golden Rule The grad student The inevitability of turmoil The Itch The Jamarion Lawhorn story The job search The Law and the Prophets The leaven of the Pharisees The Light of the World The man in the mirror The meditation session itself … The mustard seed The narrow gate The pecking order The Pharisees thought differently The Rapture The rich man The road to the Great Tribulation The salt of the earth The secretary The Synoptic apocalypse The teacher The way of the world The yeast Their task Them that’s got, gets To whom the Kingdom belongs Today Treasures in heaven (Sermon on the Mount) Two (or more) views of the Kingdom What it is (Serotonin and the individual) What it means (Serotonin and the individual) Why Jesus sought out “sinners” Within oneself (The inevitability of turmoil)

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