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* Celebrities, go home!


… if you’ve never lived here, if you’ve never worked here …

Now that Baltimore is the center of national media attention, an endless string of celebrities and celebrity-wannabes can’t wait to come here and get their share of the limelight …

… at our expense.

I’ll name no names.  I don’t want to any further publicize those who only want publicity.  Y’all know who they are.

Some have come already.  That played a role in Saturday night’s mayhem.

Let me say this again:  That played a role in Saturday night’s mayhem.

I have posts already slated for 05/18 and 05/25 discussing current Baltimore events.  And I note therein that the interlopers bring messages to the vulnerable among us, that no responsible Baltimorean — no one with any accountability to our people — would bring.  Enough of them hand potential criminals rationalizations for criminal behavior.

That won’t solve our problems.

Neither will anything else these drive-by grandstanders will do.

What, will you solve our problems for us?

Will you wave your magic wand, and bring us living-wage jobs?

Will you say “Abra cadabra,” and lo, we’ll have affordable housing?

Will you encourage our children to succeed in school?

Will you eliminate racism?  Note, I didn’t say “denounce,” I said “eliminate.”  Denouncing the poop on the stoop, or the brown smear on the shower bench, won’t eliminate it.  In my calculation, eliminating racism requires a willingness to get one’s hands dirty in a way the politically correct have never yet accepted.

Yes, for certain, when the limelight moves to some other city, you will move on with it.  Please do us a favor: don’t wait for it to move.  Move on; move on NOW.

Reblogged 2021-08-05.

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