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* Coming abstractions


On Friday, July 25, I emerged from my devotional time exceptionally centered, and I stayed that way for hours.  Nothing like this has happened to me before.  It raised a number of new questions and resurrected many old ones.

I am currently puzzling over the relationships among centeredness, happiness and presence.  I have mentioned centeredness once before.  As far as I know, neither Ambrose Worrall nor Emmet Fox ever discusses centeredness directly; it may be that, for them, the state of centeredness was such a “given” that they never saw a need to talk about it.  The “happiness” Fox speaks of seems to me now to be inherent in centeredness; in this state, negative emotions have not been so much suppressed or sublimated, as transcended.

A centered system, for example a spinning, well-balanced tire, is extremely hard to disturb.  The energies of practically any impact —• a slap in the face • a traffic jam • a broken shoelace • a failed job application • a broken heart

— will be merely absorbed, and the system will go merrily on its way.  The system takes things in stride.  There will be no drama; no “waves” made.

An off-centered or eccentric system, in contrast, like an unbalanced spinning tire, is easily disturbed, and its wobbling does “make waves.”  The stronger an impact, or the faster the system rotates (the more energy it has), the worse its drama gets.

These may be the waves of that karma which binds a soul to materiality.

There are also the waves of the light which radiates from one’s soul.

The analogies among “spiritual” waves, sound waves and radio waves fascinate me no end.  Many reflections are available on the ramifications of various dynamics of waves.  Thus the “Coming abstractions.”

The table below lists some of the concepts that may come up.  Some of the list items are (or will be) links to preliminary remarks on a given topic that I may make in this post here below.  As to any such link, you can click on the link and go straight to the remarks; and then ALT-LEFT and return to the link.

I may update this post from time to time.amplitudeeccentricityovertonesbalancefrequencyphasecoherenceharmonyresonancecongruenceinterferencespectra: atomicdissonancenoisesympathydistortionovermodulationthe infinite self

Coherence, congruence, frequency, interference and phase are all mentioned in the post About the widow and the judge.

Harmony can be an attribute of one’s soul, or of collection of sound waves, or of a community. In general, two sounds will be harmonious if their wavelengths relate by a ratio of small integers, for example 2/3, 3/4 or 4/5. Interference refers to the tendency of two waves to reinforce each other at some points and cancel each other out at others. It was crucial to the double-slit experiment demonstrating wave-particle duality. It is the basis of moire patterns also. (Good article at Wikipedia.) The change of the length of day, the hours of light and darkness, through the seasons of the year, can be thought of as an “interference pattern” between the Equator and the Ecliptic, two great circles offset from each other by 23.4°. Noise — See separate post.

Overmodulation has to do with trying to force a louder sound through a system than the system can carry, producing distortion. I understand how this happens in A.M. radio, but not with microphones or tape recordings. Overmodulation seems to me to account for much of the drama we meet in daily life. It seems to never occur naturally, but instead only by activity of free-willed entities. We find it when a sound system blasts, and in screaming, and in the harsh cries of angry birds and animals.

(Reblogged 2020-03-19.)


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