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D.C. leasing winter space in motels for homeless families

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This may put the brakes on the partisan anti-Hillary juggernaut.

UPDATE, 2014-11-25:

Or maybe not:

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Job scam

Omarr’s Cancer and Leo for Saturday 2014-11-22 read as follows:

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Look before you leap. A new love interest may have your heart all aflutter, but unless you share a few common interests, the physical attraction won’t last long. Get to know the person behind that pretty face before progressing any further.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Don’t burn bridges behind you. While you may well be on the path to a bright future, don’t forget about the past experiences that have brought you here. Be wary of signing on the dotted line or entering into an agreement.

As I noted in the previous update, the Cancer’s reference to romance could as easily refer to a job.

Previous update: Love and money

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Limits of TV realism

Under certain circumstances, we get to watch a lot of re-runs. I really like The Rifleman.

However, he kills one or more people in almost every episode. Where does he bury the bodies?

If I dug as many graves as he does, I’d probably be built like Chuck Connors, too.

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An accountant by trade, Stuart Chase was anything but your stereotypical nerdy bean-counter. He was actively involved in a mind-boggling range of interests. His life story fascinates.

He and his bride chose an unconventional honeymoon: they went to Rochester, NY as homeless people.

This book tells the story.

On this site, I provide the complete text of another of his books, Guides to Straight Thinking, here.

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Originally posted 2014-12-15.

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