Sunday 04/16/23: Everything changed this morning.
This post was first conceived many months ago. This song —
— by Sam Smith, that came out in 2019, was still getting lots of airplay. I was concerned that it expresses presumptions about friendships, relationships and sexuality — that I just can’t relate to. Was I wrong?
I anticipated an in-depth post that would ask questions like these:
What’s so bad about being “alone tonight?”
If you dance with a stranger at a bar or club, does that mean the two of you will share a bed that night?
Does one dance, say, at a party, specifically in search of a sexual encounter?
Does one attend a party specifically in search of a sexual encounter?
Is that why outfits like this one used to be called “party dresses?” (They ceased to be called that immediately following the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings; for reason that the MeToo movement had really put a freeze on straight sex.)
Is this a party dress?
But, then, my view of Sam Smith changed. First came “Unholy,” wherein — I sure don’t get this. — he condemns a married man who visited a brothel. Like, whose business is that?
Then came this, this morning.
I’m no longer going to pay any attention to anything this man does.