This may explain MAGA.
Love is blind.
When someone has a crush on someone, normally the infatuated person cannot see any faults or limitations or defects in the person she or he is crushing on; not in that person’s appearance, nor the person’s character, nor the person’s actions.
There are various fairy tales about a Prince Charming coming to awaken a Sleeping Beauty (or Snow White) with a kiss. It is one thing to fall in love with the figure of Prince Charming; no small number of young girls fall in love with the dream itself, anticipating that real life will play out that way, and unable to grasp the various indicators that “it ain’t necessarily so.”
Boy, I wonder how many young women have believed they found their Prince Charming, only to have their hearts broken months or years after when they learn “it ain’t necessarily so.”
So also, it may be with MAGA.
Donald Trump set forth a dream that many Americans fell in love with. And they dreamed and dream that America may become that way. And that there is a hero, Donald Trump, who can and will bring it about.
They’re crushing on that dream, and cannot see any of its defects or limitations or that “it ain’t necessarily so.”
Of particular relevance here is how, in an actual dream, patently absurd propositions can appear to be quite real, and the story can change willy-nilly, at will. So it was in Alice in Wonderland, and so it can be also whenever one “goes down a rabbit hole.”
Any number of times, I have been in the midst of a dream, and did not like the way things seemed to be going, and so changed the story. The new story just flat out replaced the old one.
Donald Trump does, in fact, set forth one patently absurd proposition after another, and his followers eagerly believe them all, along with every change. I am thinking at this moment in particular of the story he set forth during his second impeachment trial — In an effort to deflect public attention from that trial? Maybe, maybe not. — that the hacking of the DNC computer servers (There were, in fact, like, fifteen of them.) in 2015 or 2016 had not been carried out, as the American intelligence community concluded, by persons associated with Russian military intelligence; but, rather, by Ukraine.
The story goes on to say that the firm the DNC hired to investigate the breach was, in fact, the very people who had done it. Notwithstanding that this entity has never had any presence in Ukraine.
The story goes on to say that the server itself (Only one?) had somehow been spirited out of the country and was now present somewhere in Ukraine, and Rudy Giuliani was in the process of tracking it down. (There were, in fact, roughly 15 servers that remain present to this day, physically, in D.C.)
Try talking someone out of a crush.
This has been what we non-MAGA folk have been doing now for nigh on nine years.
Judging by the death threats against judges and prosecutors and witnesses and court staff and election personnel around the country, what has been a dream for some folk has been a nightmare for others.
We can only wait for it to pass.
#Donald Trump, #MAGA, #Dreams, #Infatuation, Prince Charming, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Fairy tales, Alice in Wonderland, Rabbit holes