Bookmarks: How to poison race relations • Exceptional horoscopes update 2014-11-17 • Ted Cruz or Kanye West?
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Tags: National media, Race, Robert Sobel, The William Tell Show
In short, white people don’t have Robert Sobel’s permission to express discomfort.
If that’s not a prescription to maintain bigotry intact, I don’t know what is.
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Love and money
Tag: Astrology
Omarr’s Cancer for 2014-10-28 clearly illustrates an ambiguity that’s puzzled me for years:
CANCER (June 21-July 22): The amount of love you receive back from others will show you how well you’re doing. You might be a magnet right now for money and love, so capitalize on helpful stars and make your move while you can.
Over the years, I’ve seen that if a horoscope indicates a favorable day for romance, for example, the corresponding event often pertains instead to employment, and vice versa. Here somehow they both appear together. I don’t know how this works, but there must be some explanation.
Previous update: Incident at McDonald’s Next update: Job scam
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Tags: Ted Cruz, Kanye West, Jaime Fuller
Originally posted 2014-11-17.