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Glossary: Peace of mind

A state of being that, at least until very recently, I have taken to be the whole point of Jesus’ teaching.  From here:

Attributes of peace of mind:

  1. unusual relaxation of the lower abdomen, from the navel to the groin

  2. a sense of warmth in the same area

  3. corresponding relaxation of the diaphragm, enabling exceptionally deep breaths and corresponding relaxation of the whole body

  4. complete presence — attention to the material here-and-now

  5. complete acceptance of, or peace with, oneself

  6. complete acceptance of, or peace with, What Is — the world as it is

When this state occurs, I normally wind up thinking, “This is it.  This is the best.  Everyone should have this.  If there were a gift I could give every human being, this would be it.”

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