So much futile drama.
It would be easy to make Hannity my go-to target, even enemy, since he is constantly doing things I disapprove of as William Tell. Here’s what happened, copied from the Shepherd Smith article linked to below:
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announced Friday [02/16/18] that 13 Russian nationals and three Russian organizations were indicted on several charges for their alleged attempts to interfere in the election to support Trump and hurt his opponent Hillary Clinton. The Russians are charged with posing as Americans to stage fake political rallies, create fake social media accounts and buy political ads. The budget for the operations was more than $1.25 million a month shortly before the election, according to the indictments.
In one case, according to the indictments, Russians reached out to “unwitting” people associated with the Trump campaign.
On the one hand, what I disapprove of is the attribution of weakness, fear or dismay to one’s opponents. I have posted about this before, and will link below to several more recent examples, foul shots coming from both left and right.
On the other hand, Hannity displays some very mistaken presumptions about facts. He attributes to liberals dismay that no Americans have been indicted — so far. And that statement by me is itself likewise in error, as a number of Americans have been indicted already; prosecutions are in progress.
The Mueller investigation did not end on February 16; it hasn’t yet ended as of this writing (April 11); and probably won’t have ended when this post appears on June 30. Further indictments of Americans could well eventuate.
As to all the muss and fuss about the whole, coming from left and right alike; to me it all just seems so futile. The facts are what the facts are. What will be discovered will be what it will. What doesn’t exist can’t be invented; Mueller is not God, and can’t create ex nihilo.
There’s no point in seeking to pre-empt the conclusions.
Fox’s own Shepherd Smith took the opposite tack from Hannity: Shepard Smith: Mueller Indictments Prove Russian Probe Is ‘Opposite Of A Hoax’
Just as bad, just from the opposite direction, is this piece by Robert Kuttner in HuffPost: Robert Mueller Has Trump Cornered.
Again: Joe Scarborough Says Trump Is ‘Scared To Death’ Of Investigation By Mueller Who Will ‘Outwit’ Him
And the application of the same principle, of insulting opponents, on a different matter: Tucker: ‘The Left Almost Lost Consciousness’ Over Census’ Immigration Question
Related: Becoming William Tell
Postscript, 2018-07-13: