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* Headlines about race

Beginning as of the earliest link below, I have, and plan to continue to, attempted in good faith to copy every single headline that appears in my Yahoo! News feed pertinent attitudes toward race.

My hypothesis was that, overwhelmingly, it is only the attitudes of white people towards race, that are studied and reported.  The data here below speak for themselves.

One will note that certain headlines stayed in my Yahoo! News feed for several days.

I can’t help but see the influence of political correctness here.  It would seem that, as far as scientific research goes, PC orthodoxy continues to dominate not only what research is reported, but what research is done. As I’ve said before:  it appears no one cares what black folk think; black folk are consistently treated as “targets,” not “actors;” and the single most taboo of all subjects is how black folk act.

Friday 2016-07-01

Friday  2016-06-17

Friday  2016-06-03

Monday  2016-05-23

Sunday 2016-05-15

Saturday  2016-05-14

How psychologists used these doctored Obama photos to get white people to support conservative politics Goes into great detail about white subjects’ racism.  Black subjects exposed to the same stimuli responded in surprisingly counterintuitive fashion; however, the sample size of subjects of color was, again and again, too small to enable any firm conclusions.

Thursday  2016-05-12

Monday  2016-04-25

Sunday  2016-04-24

Wednesday  2016-04-20

Three Charts Show Just How Much the Racial Views of Young Liberals Have Changed Actually, the article concerns itself only with young white liberals.

Thursday  2016-04-14

Wednesday 2016-04-13

Tuesday  2016-04-05

Thursday 2016-03-31

Thursday  2016-03-10

New Study Finds People of Color Are Less Polarized About Climate Change Than Whites This list isn’t much concerned with climate change; however, this is the first report I can recall of POC views about anything.

Wednesday  2016-03-09

Thursday  2016-02-25

Tuesday 2016-02-23

Saturday  2016-02-20

Saturday  2016-01-30

Thursday 2016-01-28

Saturday 2015-12-12

Friday 2015-12-11

Wednesday  2015-11-04

Wednesday 2015-09-30

Saturday  2015-07-25

Saturday  2015-07-18

Thursday  2015-07-16

Wednesday  2015-07-15

Tuesday  2015-07-14

Instapundit » Blog Archive » WHY WHITE PEOPLE WILL ALWAYS BE RACISTS: Because, as D.C. McAllister writes at the Federalist, “Th… (Same article as below.)

Monday 2015-07-13

Instapundit » Blog Archive » WHY WHITE PEOPLE WILL ALWAYS BE RACISTS: Because, as D.C. McAllister writes at the Federalist, “Th… (Same article as below.)

Saturday  2015-07-11

Reblogged 2022-11-10.

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