The path of least resistance flows downhill.
As of February 13, 2018, I am suspending work on the typing course. Other needs have become more important and more urgent.
For the past few weeks, my routine has been as follows. At night, I would draw up my word lists in longhand in a notebook; the next day, when I can get online, I’d devote half an hour to putting those words into a new lesson. This way, I was able to create one new lesson every day.
Drawing up lists of, say, four-letter words(*) can be tremendous fun for a nerd like me, but it doesn’t require any courage and isn’t getting my life where I need to go. My time writing longhand in the notebook outside regular business hours, needs to go instead toward writing the remaining chapters of The Way of Peace — if I am to keep my life on track, if I am to walk my talk.
That does take courage. It’s work. It’s hard.
Related: Sales pitch
I have also come under significant pressure to find conventional housing; that is, to get away from the shelter. That is taking work and courage, too. Escaping, half an hour a day during normal business hours, is a luxury I can’t afford.
I’m grateful for what I’ve learned already in the course of preparing these lessons. In the future, I may re-do the course to present the most-commonly-used words first. It would be good to present sentences using all the words. I want to present the words in a variety of different sequences, since typing them in alphabetical order —
find, fink, food, fork, from
— teaches one thing, and in a different order —
fink, link, mink, pink, sink
— teaches another.
But that’s for the future. In the meantime, I’ve bookmarked a cool resource that some folk might like to visit:
That’s all, folks.
Previous lesson: Lesson 24: Forms of “be,” “have,” and “do”
Copyright © 2018 William Tell