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Life course persistent offenders, …

… also known as psychopaths.

These individuals account for 1% of the general population, 25% of the prison population, and 50% of all crime.  Put differently, 10% of the population commit 90% of the crime; but this one tenth of the criminals, commit five times as much crime.

Heather Weeden

She’s a real piece of work.

09/07/01 — PEOPLE v. REED — Appellate court decision rising from the carjacking and murder committed by Weeden and her two twin cousins.  Psychopathy is a genetic condition; 50% of psychopaths have a sibling or parent who also has the condition.

Nathan Winston Stephens

He was arrested in October 2020, but then apparently let go.  The news reports are silent as to why.

Ellis Jamal Gray

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