… also known as psychopaths.
These individuals account for 1% of the general population, 25% of the prison population, and 50% of all crime. Put differently, 10% of the population commit 90% of the crime; but this one tenth of the criminals, commit five times as much crime.
Related: Loving the psychopath
Heather Weeden
She’s a real piece of work.

09/07/01 — PEOPLE v. REED — Appellate court decision rising from the carjacking and murder committed by Weeden and her two twin cousins. Psychopathy is a genetic condition; 50% of psychopaths have a sibling or parent who also has the condition.
10/13/21 — Man charged with trying to disarm deputy
01/23/22 — $85K bail for woman accused of setting fires in Lansing Walmart, causing $4.5M in damages
Nathan Winston Stephens
He was arrested in October 2020, but then apparently let go. The news reports are silent as to why.
