Bookmarks: Man’s name change dramatically improves job hunt • Jamarion Lawhorn update • An astonishing crime • Exceptional horoscopes update 2014-09-29 • She’s cute. • Malaysia Airlines Flight 17
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Jamarion Lawhorn update
Previous post: In playground murder, 12-year-old boy charged as an adult Next post: Jamarion Lawhorn update
It has since become clear that (1) at the time of the murder, the suspect was suicidal, and (2) he had been subject to years of severe child abuse.
Articles not included in the links below mention that, immediately before the murder, he had swallowed a handful of “pink pills” found in the home, meaning to kill himself.
“Anita Lawhorn had surrendered parental rights to two daughters, ages 2 and 3, in Monroe County, NY, in 1996, after they were removed for ‘severe physical abuse,’ according to court documents.
“The abuse detailed in New York included unexplained fractures sustained by the younger girl, and what appeared to be cigarette burns on the older girl’s chest.
“Jamarion Lawhorn’s siblings, a 14-year-old brother and two sisters, ages 2 and 7, have been removed from the home and are staying with a relative.”
At the time of his arrest, Jamarion was covered with bruises that he attributed to his stepfather.
“Authorities documented Jamarion’s injuries during intake procedures at the Kent County Juvenile Detention Center.”
“When authorities searched the boy’s home at 5600 Jefferson Ave. SE in Kentwood, they documented ‘unsafe’ and ‘deplorable’ living conditions, and seized drug paraphernalia that tested positive for cocaine. Utility service had been shut off at the home, beds in the home had neither sheets nor bedding, and there was minimal food in the home, the search warrant return showed.
“The family was also about to be evicted, according to court documents. Anita Lawhorn had reportedly been evicted from three other homes from 2006 to 2010.
“Both Lawhorn and Harrold claim they have mental health issues, but have not been taking prescribed medications, according to court records. Both reportedly tested positive for cocaine use.”
The recent post “Jimmy, part 2” introduced the term “dual diagnosis” on this blog. It remarked, “The combination of mental illness and drug abuse comes up again in this article about children who are at risk for neglect and abuse.” Every adult in Jamarion Lawhorn’s life is a dual diagnosis patient.
Links: 2014-08-25 – State: Murder suspect, 12, victim of abuse 2014-08-26 – Boy, 12, Charged in Fatal Playground Stabbing Had History of Abuse: Report 2014-08-26 – New documents detail abuse of alleged child killer
Subsequent headlines: 2014-10-02 – Judge: Jamarion Lawhorn’s parents unfit 2015-05-13 – Judge: Jamarion Lawhorn competent to stand trial 2015-05-28 – Jamarion Lawhorn’s mom admits to welfare fraud Keep in mind, she’s a “dual diagnosis” person. 2015-06-05 – Siblings of child murder suspect Jamarion Lawhorn could return home this summer 2015-08-27 – Anita Lawhorn gets her kids back, as Jamarion goes to trial for murder on Monday 2015-09-04 – Jamarion Lawhorn, 13, guilty of 1st-degree murder 2015-11-04 – 13-Year-Old Jamarion Lawhorn Sentenced 2015-11-24 – Mother, stepfather of Jamarion Lawhorn sentenced for child abuse 2016-03-07 – Jamarion Lawhorn’s stepfather begins serving term for child abuse
Postscript, 2016-12-09: It appears that someone routinely accesses this post ISO any news on Jamarion. I don’t have links to the headlines at hand, but my understanding is that he’s faring better now.
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He not only raped and killed the little girl; weeks later, he set fire to her family’s house. What on earth could have motivated that?
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She’s cute.
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Exceptional horoscopes update 2014-09-29
Monday 2014-09-08 Friday I checked my mail; it included the substantial first check of life insurance proceeds.
Omarr’s Leo for that date:
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Out of sight means out of mind. Pull the drawers open and sort through your mail; you may find a notice or bill you’ve forgotten. Pay your debts on time and don’t procrastinate any further.
Sunday 2014-09-07 there was a very untoward incident at McDonald’s involving Dwayne Taylor. I don’t have a mind to detail, but it involved a wholly unprovoked attack. Such things normally occur during my “monthly,” which typically occurs on the day the Moon leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces.
I checked today. The moon was in Aquarius yesterday, and is in Pisces today. That’s close enough.
Monday 2014-09-15 Turning point? Omarr’s Leo for today:
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Life may not seem very different today, but sometime in the future you’ll look back and realize a change that began now, a decision you made, or an opportunity you accepted, made a world of difference in your world.
We’ll see. That would be nice. My fortunes can only change in one direction.
Original post: Exceptional horoscopes Next update: Incident at McDonald’s
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Headlines re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 17
Friday 2014-07-18
Saturday 2014-07-19
The government in Kiev said militiamen have removed 38 bodies from the crash site and have taken them to the rebel-held city of Donetsk. It said the bodies were transported with the assistance of specialists with distinct Russian accents.
The rebels are also “seeking large transports to carry away plane fragments to Russia,” the Ukrainian government said Saturday.
In Donetsk, separatist leader Alexander Borodai denied that any bodies had been transferred or that the rebels had in any way interfered with the work of observers. He said he encouraged the involvement of the international community in assisting with the cleanup before the conditions of the bodies worsens significantly.
There should be no difficulty proving or disproving the government’s accusations, given whether or not the bodies are finally found in Donetsk.
Sunday 2014-07-20
Monday 2014-07-21
WJZ-TV news included absolutely no coverage of the plane crash Friday night, but extensive coverage tonight — in the form of interviews with grieving relatives. I am losing patience with such interviews, which seem to me to serve no purpose. In the previous Malaysian Airlines disaster, the disappearance of MH370, night after night we were inundated with footage of crowds of hysterical survivors, which likewise seemed to me to serve no purpose.
Tuesday 2014-07-22
I’m wondering who commissioned and paid for this train.
The separatists first boasted, then denied, possession of the black boxes. This article documents their turnover. Contrary to the reporter’s opinion, my understanding is that we’re destined to learn nothing useful from them.
I don’t normally like to focus on personalities. However, he is Russian, and he is a very strange person to be in the position he’s in. Watch the video.
Wednesday 2014-07-23
On Monday, Russian Defense Ministry officials claimed that a Ukrainian military jet was flying less than three miles from the Malaysian plane just before it was shot down.
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Nor have U.S. spy agencies reached any conclusions on the motive for the attack, except to say that the reaction among separatists recorded on social media indicates they believed they were targeting a Ukrainian military transport plane.
In part, the officials said, that may have been because the rebels operating the missile battery were poorly trained and did not have access to other radar systems and equipment that ordinarily accompany an SA-11 system and are designed to help distinguish military targets from civilian planes.
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The officials cited verbal exchanges among rebels posted on YouTube indicating separatists arriving at the scene of the wreckage were surprised to discover civilians.
“If you listen to YouTube you get that: ‘We’re finding civilians,’ ” one of the intelligence officials said. Partly for that reason, the official said, “the most plausible explanation to me is [it was] a mistake.”
I would like to ask the Russians: If your proxies didn’t fire the missile, what matter is it that the Ukrainian military transport was nearby?
A drastic change of course in domestic propaganda.
Tuesday 2014-09-09
(Reblogged 2020-01-30.)