Bookmarks: Peek-a-boo bear • “I went to jail to understand my daughter.” •
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For those who’ve never been locked up, this is a good first look at life in jail.
When I was at the Baltimore City Jail, one was not allowed any visitors for the first 30 days; nor could one receive any packages (e.g. clothes) for the first 30 days. As did this author, I sent letters to and from family — for me, that was a lifeline to sanity — but writing paper and postage stamps were hard to come by.
This author seems to substantiate my perspective, that for the overwhelming majority of those who are locked up in America, it’s an utter waste. Incarceration is extremely expensive, and accomplishes nothing. For many of these men, it’s absolutely no deterrent; life in jail is actually more pleasant than life on the outside. The only folk who need to be locked up are those so intent on mayhem that, if free, they’d pose an imminent threat to public safety.
Reblogged 08/08/24.