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Podcast — Still paused.


I have not had the Net access I need to record an episode this month.

My laptop got damaged.  Then it got repaired.  Then it got stolen.

Tuesday night/Wednesday morning 06/13-14/23, I slept with the back door open, (1) to let in the cool night air, and (2) to entice an alley cat I want to adopt.  It has come in several times before ISO food.

Wednesday morning, like any morning, first thing to do was put on my trousers.  I’d left them on the kitchen floor.

They were gone.  Along with my house keys.

Along with my backpack, my photo ID, my ATM card, my SNAP card, my Medicare card, my smokes, a jar of dimes I use for bus fare, a stash of $1s I also use for bus fare (That was all the cash I had.), and the silver dollar I use as an amulet in meditation.

I’m amazed the person could see all those things without turning on a light.

It’s been a mad scramble ever since to replace them.

I won’t replace the laptop.  Instead, I’m buying an RCA Premium 11.6″ tablet, ~$120.

I previously had at least three successive RCA Viking Pro 10s, which apparently are no longer made.  One got sto9len at DD; another got stolen at BK; so I’m sure to be on the lookout for theft insurance this time.  The third one just plain wore out.

The limitations:  (1) I’ll have to type with two fingers; (2) the Android version of MS Office does not include a sort feature.  Otherwise, these tablets do everything I need.

They’re perfect for recording Anchor podcasts.

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