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* Prayer cannot be politically correct.

Monday, September 5, 2016

There is a certain time in my daily prayer routine when I give attention to each of certain names that aren’t on any list.  This happens to include every single member of the church youth group whose name is known to me.  (It happens to include all those names.  It’s not by design.  Each one got on there individually.)

Only one of those individuals is the same color as me.

If you Google today on the word “colorblind,” you will come up with innumerable articles and opinion pieces that treat that word as an obscenity; as if colorblindness were a great, great sin.

If that corresponds to the truth, then my prayer life is an obscenity; a great, great sin.

As my prayers are helplessly colorblind.

Reblogged 06/27/24.

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