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R.I.P. Joe Stocks

Monday, May 8, 2017

Church member Joe Stocks died suddenly Saturday. Natural causes.

Jesus said, “Let your light so shine before others, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” That’s the kind of man Joe was. All kinds of men and women glorify God because of Joe’s good works.

All kinds.

Now, my congregation is 85% black, but I wouldn’t know that if I’d not been told. I’ve been there for 30 years; I know these people. But I can’t necessarily tell you who’s white or black.

What I do know: as far as Joe’s concerned, we’re all feelin’ the same way. Black or white, we’re all feelin’ the same.

The World (as “John” uses that term in the New Testament) doesn’t want you to know that.

It’s not politically correct.

The mainstream media will not report that anyone says that black folk and white folk can be friends.

I invite correction.

If you think white folk can’t feel for black folk, you need to think again.

If you think black folk can’t feel for white folk, you need to think again.

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