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* She actually said that?


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In the waiting room at my doctor’s office, I found a copy of the May 2006 [sic] Celeb Diet & Fitness, and stole it for the sake of this quote.

There’s a feature on several celebs with upcoming weddings, and what each one is doing to fit into her wedding dress.

As her “goal,” Adrianne Curry says: “I want my butt to be perkier — the dress I’m wearing is very tight. The tighter it gets, the more it will flatten out my ass, so I need buns of steel.”

No comment.

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However it is, the Thai population appears to include an unusually high number of hermaphrodites.

The article suggests that, nonetheless, LGBT folk are still not nearly as accepted there as in the U.S.

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The common denominator in most of these cases is that the adults in the home aren’t married.

[*]Related: Choose your name

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The article is informative as to different countries’ laws concerning baby names; as far as I know, in the U.S. there are none.

Something’s wrong with this Dalton Conley person.

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When I went to to research this a little, I was chagrinned at how very many books there are in this genre. This is only one.

The mother doesn’t specify how the story is “unbiblical.”

This case seems to me to boil down to a dispute between the parents, who are divorced, with the mother having custody of the child-author.

Reblogged 2020-12-31.

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