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* Smoking

Wednesday 2016-09-21

Behind certain events of Sunday 09/18 that I will report later, I am making new efforts this week to reduce or eliminate smoking.

This has nothing to do with my finances or health. Instead, it’s all about choosing feelings.

I’ve known for a long time that the desire to light up is strongly associated with indulging negative feelings, especially indignation and resentment. Shifting my emotional focus to happiness and hope drastically reduces (weakens) the impulse to smoke.

This normally corresponds to a shift in my mental focus, from things as to which I am powerless (things I cannot change) to things as to which I have power (things I can change).

I am already markedly happier.

I don’t know if I’m actually smoking fewer cigarettes, but I have a strong impulse to smoke only half a cigarette rather than a whole one at any time. That will mean significant reduction and cash savings.

Reblogged 08/01/24

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