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Some news items of interest …

Last Wednesday I copied here a post from Messiah Truth.  Here I copy what was the very next post on that same thread, from 2006-12-02, reporting some scientific research strongly suggestive of the existence of an interpersonal or transpersonal, or possibly “spiritual” or affective, “field.”

Some news items of interest …

… reported in latest issue of Edgar Cayce magazine:

(1) Information was transmitted between two atoms at distant locations at speeds greater than that of light; this is also known as “teleportation.” This turns out actually to be “old news”; one’s entree to the articles may best be as follows:

“Quantum physics: Push-button teleportation,” by H. J. Kimble, and S. J. van Enk. Nature 429, 712 – 713 (17 Jun 2004).

(2) Pairs of romantically involved persons were separated and monitored, once via EEG and once via a different instrument measuring electrical impulses to the gut. When one partner contemplated a photograph of the other, within moments the latter person’s monitors indicated a response. My source provided the following bibliographic info:

Sources: Radin, D. I. Event-related EEG correlations between isolated human subjects. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2004, Vol. 10, pp. 315-324. For a copy of this paper, see

Radin, D. I., & Schlitz, M. J. Gut feelings, intuition, and emotions: An exploratory study. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2005, Vol. 11 (1), pp. 85-91. To purchase a copy of this study, see

[Postscript, 2015-02-16:  This guy Dean Radin has an interesting bio:

Originally posted 2015-03-18.

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