Well, I don’t expect much from state legislators.
From Law Enforcement Today: Virginia officials: We’re enforcing new gun laws, like it or not. Police: Umm – who exactly is ‘we’? From AP News: Virginia lawmaker wants to ban NRA’s shooting range
Virginia state legislator Dan Helmer wants to prohibit the NRA from having a shooting range inside its own headquarters.
There’s a buzz among police throughout the state, that they will not enforce certain new gun laws. On examination, the proposed laws cannot possibly pass Constitutional muster, no matter how zealous legislators and perhaps the governor may be about them.
These are not “common-sense gun laws.”
I posted on FaceBook: “If Virginia did, in fact, elect all these loony lefties, then Right-thinking people need to ask themselves why.”
In question is the swing vote, those who aren’t unpersuadably committed to the right or to the left, but can be persuaded to change their vote from one election to the next. Virginia used to be staunchly conservative. What persuaded so many voters this time to go left — and not just left, but FAR left? This is Beto left. Some of these people want a gun grab.
We may never know or understand the answer. I certainly don’t.
Similarly, 10% of those who voted for Obama in 2012, voted for Trump in 2016. This was enough to swing the election, and is just about the number I’d anticipate in light of what I said about the white vote in “Appeals.” This does not explain the personality cult — I’m not the only one using that term. — that’s possessed so much of his “base,” who seem to hold him incapable of wrong.
Similarly, in January 2015, a shift occurred in the mentality of a swing vote of Baltimore’s criminal population. Many people who believed murder was unacceptable before, suddenly decided that it’s a good idea. People did not become criminals who weren’t criminals before; these folks were criminal already. They just became more murderous.
I don’t know anyone who understands this.
There were five murders the weekend of January 11-12.
The William Tell Show is to be all about conversations — between folk who are pro-gun, folk who are anti-gun, and the swing voters in between; those who oppose Trump, those who love Trump, and those open to persuasion; those who oppose crime, those who endorse crime, and those who wonder what to think. To keep the conversation going, it is essential to avoid anything that would end someone’s willingness to participate. That’s what Free Speech Handbook is all about. The goal is not to win, but to understand.