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The crazy man’s post


Some things, he’s square on about.

A.D. attended my church for some years, until he found another where the pastor is more into recovery.  He’s mentally ill; I don’t know his diagnosis.  He has no, or a very weak, filter; there’s no telling what he’ll say or do.

He fancies himself a makeup artist.  I was taken aback the day he came to church wearing mascara.  He’s a certified Reiki master, whereas I have no confidence in Reiki.  He presumes to be expert on the chakras, and maybe he is; but he told me to wear red to job interviews, because “Red is a color of power.”  I’m-a never do that, except possibly for a maroon necktie.  I’ll wear blue, to suggest I’m reliable.

We’re Friends on FaceBook, and he Messages me these things that, 99 times out of 100, hold no interest for me whatsoever.  Then he Messaged me this:

“Acceptance is the answer to all my problems today.”

THAT got my attention.  Acceptance has been the elephant in the room, as to quite a few recent posts.

It was a link to this woman’s blog.  If you want to go there, the URL appears in the screen shot.


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