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* The Gospel vs. George Will, and other stories

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The Gospel vs. George Will

Farenthold asks what’s best for the country.  Will asks what’s best for conservatives.  That difference illustrates what Trojan Horse Productions and The William Tell Show are all about.

I will develop that at length in a later post.

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The dynamic here is familiar ever since the French Revolution: absent an external enemy, the victorious revolutionaries soon enough turn on each other.

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Phil Robertson

Jesse Jackson’s effort is only notable for the “demand” to meet with A&E and Cracker Barrel execs within 72 hours.

Josh Barro is one of those who just didn’t get it. To me, the whole row has been about free speech. It is unacceptable in this country that mere shifts of the zeitgeist should force an individual’s conscience; that we should become a thought-police state.

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Housing update

I need to start shopping for an apartment at once.

I won’t be able to move in at once when my job starts, but need to be able to move a.s.a.p. after that. I need to have boots on the ground ahead of time in terms of contacts with landlords who will know what I want and where I want it and may have units available.

With an income of about $1,000 every two weeks and current living expenses that are practically nil, within two pay periods (4-5 weeks) I should have enough saved up for the security deposit and first month’s rent on a $500/month unit. I face two periods of special needs before then.

The big hurdle is what I’m coming to call “the 4:30 wrinkle,” namely the shelter’s rigid hours.

From start date to first payday (2-3 weeks): On any given day, I will leave work at 4:30 and arrive at the shelter at about 5:00. There may or may not be a bunk for me. At this writing, there are conversations in progress as to whether or not they can do that. On any given day, if there isn’t a bunk for me, I need to have other arrangements available — for free.

From first payday until moving: With the income I will have, on those occasions I can stay at a cheap hotel. I’d do best to identify one now.  The only drawback here is that the more often I stay at a hotel, the longer it will be before I’m financially able to move.

The urgency of moving a.s.a.p. after my first pay date is to get free of the “4:30 wrinkle” completely, and be completely free to meet my employer’s needs vis a vis for example being able to stay late at work from time to time.

The dilemma in prayer here is whether to aggrandize (attend to) the obstacle or instead the opportunity.  If one envisions my success at this job beginning right away and continuing long-term, then it must be that the “4:30 wrinkle” will have satisfactorily got ironed out.

It will be interesting to see if the place I get matches what’s consistently appeared in my daydreams.

(Reposted 09/28/17.)

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