… apparently went just as anticipated.
“The usual suspects” — those you’d expect — all showed up — and none of the people who needed to.
It was like a PTO meeting at the school where I taught. The parents who came were never the ones we teachers really needed to see. Those we wanted to see never came.
To influence those who can most directly affect the level of crime in the City, the conference would better have been held at the detention center.
The news coverage in advance of the conference never touched on a crucial question: Is black-on-black crime in the City actually any worse than crime in general? 81% of last year’s homicides involved black victims of black perpetrators; but how does that compare with the City’s racial makeup?
Also notably absent were anyone from local broadcast media giant Radio One or its station 92Q. 92Q is the only radio station one hears in public spaces in Barclay, and probably the single greatest influence in Baltimore on what young black males think of themselves and each other.
Reblogged 2021-07-22.