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* The Real Reason Why You Haven’t Healed Your Trauma/Depression/Heartbreak

At first I expected this author to affirm the “blame-your-past” orientation of “the prevailing psychological wisdom of our time.”  Instead, she sets forth an intriguing vision remarkably similar to my own, with, for me, remarkably intriguing ramifications that I want to consider further.

Her counsel is to accept What Is.

It may be that what The Fall (Genesis 3) introduced into the world was not evil, but rather duality.  Previously, our First Parents had known only acceptance; as the Scripture says, “The man and his wife were both naked, and were not ashamed” (Genesis 2:25).  The Fall introduced dis-acceptance: “Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made loincloths for them­selves” (Genesis 3:7).  (Their nakedness is a big issue, coming up again in verses 10, 11 and 21.)

In “Your Heart’s Desire,” Emmet Fox says, “There is only one Fundamental Energy in the universe, but this energy may be applied by us either constructively or destructively, because God has given us Free Will.”  This seems to be the crux.  The present author affirms, as apparently Scott Morrison would also, that there is only one fundamental energy.  I want to find out how it so comes to be, possibly, constructively or destructively applied.

Read the essay:

Reblogged 2022-06-30.

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