Bookmarks: What is Cory Booker so afraid of? • Michele Bachmann and the bogey man • When a $1 billion divorce award isn’t enough • Ted Cruz, plagiarist? • “Police wouldn’t be there if you weren’t killing each other.”
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Booker did show real passion when the subject turned to the criminal-justice system. “We have more blacks in this country under criminal supervision than all the slaves in 1850,” he said, noting that he’s been talking about reform legislation with Republicans such as Rand Paul and Ted Cruz. Booker repeated that line and expanded on his criminal-justice ideas during a talk later Wednesday with the liberal Center for American Progress.
That’s good enough for me.
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I was reflecting yesterday that despite his horrible reputation among liberals, I have yet to read an actual statement by Ted Cruz I could object to. (Cf. Free Speech Handbook Guideline 11, Deal with exactly what the person says.) The statements in this article attributed to Michele Bachmann, on the other hand, stand out as exactly that sort of fanciful, baseless fear-mongering as dis-serves the common good.
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“Divorce lawyers said they were surprised by how small the award was.”
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OK, so I spoke too soon about Ted Cruz.
Unless this article is a complete sham, it appears Ted Cruz took a speech from an ancient Roman senator, merely took out some references to the tyrants of that man’s time and plugged in references instead to President Obama — and delivered that speech on the Senate floor. The article provides a word-by-word (redlined) comparison that’s truly amazing.
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The single most forbidden subject is how people act
who are black.